God’s healing for you
and your relationships

Professional Trauma Recovery Counseling

Live from the self Jesus calls you into

Therapy for adults, teens, children, couples and families

In-Person or Online via Zoom sessions with one of our Licensed Professionals

Jason Kell, MA, LPCC

Jason Kell, Licensed Practical Clinical Counselor

Trauma often causes your body to feel unsafe or your nervous system to feel unorganized. Typically, it will leave you unable to feel present in the moment. Instead, you may find yourself frozen in time (past) or running too far forward, anticipating the worst (in a state of hypervigilance).

Using a variety of trauma treatment approaches, Jason Kell, our Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), will work with you to find just the right pathway and pace to create order out of chaos, love out of fear, reconciliation out of relational hurt, joy out of sorrow, and peace out of trauma.

Approaches Jason uses:

  • Somatic Experiencing: Focuses on the body, with special insights into a person's Autonomic Nervous System, re-learning how to track sensations and instincts. You will be able to trust your body to discharge activation held inside and find rest for your whole being as a comprehensive system.  

  • EMDR & Brainspotting: These approaches simulate REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) sleep. One symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is nightmares which, in essence, are memories that get stuck in one’s brain’s processing system, making it challenging to file or sort through high-activating events. These approaches, therefore, help to access memories in a safe relational environment in order to desensitize and reprocess stuck memories so that you can live in calm and rest, fully alive.

  • Sandtray Therapy, Art Therapies, Experiential Play Therapy (EPT): Trauma is commonly accepted to be held in the "right brain." These therapies help to access the right brain in a gentle and compassionate manner in order to more fully integrate stuck memories into the whole brain.

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS): This approach is designed to understand parts of the self or various ego-states that may live in tension inside the whole person. Utilizing the guidance of Jesus and the fruits of the Spirit (evident in the true self), this approach supports a person in connecting to clarity, creativity, courage, and confidence in order to unburden parts of one's self or emotions from the past for the sake of integration - moving forward toward full and robust living.

Jason will incorporate the best approach or approaches for your individual needs to bring you mental health, emotional healing, and integration of your true self: the self Jesus wants for you.

Online or In-Person Private Therapy Sessions:
Available to adults, teens, children, couples and families
60 min | $125
90 min | $185

Denise Rickenbach, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor

Denise Rickenbach, LMFT, LADC

Anxiety and depression symptoms are often the tell-tale signs of unresolved trauma in the limbic system. As Bessel van der Kolk’s aptly named book states “The Body Keeps the Score” and Gabor Mate’s writings on “When the Body Says No; the Stress Disease Connection” our body carries important information related to our history. Trauma also affects our ability to have secure and satisfying relationships with loved ones in our lives. This can also manifest in patterns of ongoing and unresolved conflict resulting in painful disconnection with those to whom we want to be close.

Using trauma-informed treatment approaches Denise will work to provide direction to clarity, peace, and fulfilling and satisfying relationships with yourself and others at a pace that does not cause further overwhelm.

Approaches Denise uses:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (CBT/REBT): Action-oriented approaches that focus on identifying cognitive distortions (or misbeliefs) and learning how to manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthier way which reduces mental distress. 

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): This approach simulates REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) sleep. Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: sleep disturbance, hyper-vigilance, racing thoughts, and re-experiencing traumatic events, among other symptoms are memories that get stuck in the brain’s processing system. ART uses techniques such as rapid eye movement or bi-lateral stimulation and image re-scripting to recondition stressful memories, changing how they are stored in the brain to improve overall mental health

  • Pragmatic Experiential Therapy for Couples (PET-C):  An approach that translates new knowledge about how the brain processes emotion into practical methods for improving relationships and increasing personal success. Studies suggest that the most potent predictor of your loved one’s willingness to change is an effective reaction to his or her selfish, insensitive, or even abusive behavior. Pragmatic/experiential therapy can be used with individuals, couples, or families.

Online or In-Person Private Therapy Sessions:
Available to adults, couples and families
60 min | $125

“As I healed from the trauma, our marriage improved, and I experienced joy for the very first time.”


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