
Resources to help you on your healing journey…

Support Group Manuals

Healing from Abuse: Authentic Hope Support Group Workbook provides the foundational principles and support women need to begin healing from the effects of abuse and neglect.
In this workbook, designed for a nine-week women's support group, participants learn how trauma affects the brain, the complex dynamics of trauma and abuse, and Biblical truths and tools that will help participants experience the freedom, healing, and love Jesus offers them.
A life-changing guide for women seeking support, healing, and confirmation that God's plan for them and their family is freedom from trauma and abuse.

Sanando del abuso: Esperanza Auténtica Manual del Grupo de Apoyo para Mujeres diseñado para grupos de apoyo de mujeres de nueve semanas de duración, proporciona los principios fundamentales y el apoyo que las mujeres necesitan para comenzar a recuperarse de los efectos del abuso.
Las participantes aprenden sobre la dinámica compleja del abuso, los tipos de trauma y abuso, cómo el trauma afecta el cerebro, las verdades bíblicas sobre el abuso, y la libertad, sanidad y amor que Jesús les ofrece.

Leader's Guide for Healing from Abuse: Authentic Hope Women's Support Group Manual is a companion guide that equips support group leaders with effective practices for setting up a support group and offering participants the foundational principles and support they need to heal from the effects of abuse.

Guía del líder Sanando del abuso: Esperanza Auténtica Manual del Grupo de Apoyo para Mujeres equipa a líderes de grupos de apoyo con prácticas efectivas para ofrecer a las participantes los principios fundamentales y el apoyo que necesitan para sanar de los efectos del abuso.

Getting Real Men’s Support Group Workbook provides the foundational principles and support men need to begin healing from the effects of abuse and neglect.
In this workbook, designed for a nine-week men's support group, participants learn how trauma affects the brain, the complex dynamics of trauma and abuse, and Biblical truths and tools that will help participants experience the freedom, healing, and love Jesus offers them.
A life-changing guide for men seeking support, healing, and confirmation that God's plan for them and their family is freedom from trauma and abuse.