Beth McMillan
Beth McMillan
Beth McMillan is our Strategic Director and International Director.
A message from Beth:
Psalm 91:1-2 gives me strength and encouragement:
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
I’m excited to be part of the work that God is doing through Door of Hope. It’s an honor to walk alongside others in their healing journeys through support groups and prayer ministry. It gives me joy to share my own story of trauma and continued healing with others as a witness to God’s hand on our lives. My passion is to see women and men healed and set free and to see families restored.
Beth is working to expand Door of Hope women’s support groups and prayer ministry in other nations as God opens doors. She has been with Door of Hope since the ministry's founding in 2014. She served as Board Chair for the first five years of the ministry and has served in local and international programming to present.
Beth’s heart is to give her time, talent, and resources wherever God leads. She served in Women's Ministries at North Heights Church for 11 years where she led various Women’s groups, Bible Studies and served as Women’s Core Chair. She also served as Board Chair and Board Member on the North Heights Christian Academy School Board and Board Member for The Dwelling Place. Beth received her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and has held senior leadership roles in the corporate setting for over 30 years.
Beth lives in Vadnais Heights with her husband Dan of 32 years. They have two grown sons and daughters-in-law who are currently living in Fargo with a community of friends and jobs. Beth enjoys the outdoors and time with friends.
Beth would love to hear from you. She can be reached at 763-767-2150 ext 105