Diane Stores

Pastor Diane Stores

Diane Stores is the Door of Hope founder and executive director.

Door of Hope Ministries was born out of Pastor Diane Stores’ passion for ministering internationally to those affected by abuse and neglect. Her vision is to help plant national and international shelters, host local and international conferences, and equip Christian leaders worldwide to effectively minister to the hurting in their community.

Personally, Diane survived a 23-year marriage filled with every form of abuse. In 1991, she found the strength and determination to escape and begin a new life with her children. Her life experience gives her a unique understanding of the needs of abused women and children.

Prior to founding Door of Hope in 2012, she helped individuals break free from the effects of abuse while serving as:

Diane can be reached at diane@doorofhopeministries.org or 763-767-2150 ext 101.


Rev. Darlene Cook