Jim Devenport

Jim Devenport

Jim Devenport is our Development Consultant

A message from Jim:
For the majority of my adult life, I have had a relationship with Christ that has been my foundation. 
Several years ago, I became associated with Door of Hope and Diane, Its founder.  Participating in support groups and prayer sessions allowed me to find an unknown freedom and peace that changed my ability to thrive in my spiritual walk.  I began living in peace and with a much more grateful heart.  John 4:11-15 has given me real freedom.  In my efforts at Door of Hope, I hope to help others in the same manner I have received and share the living water of Christ.

Jim carries the gifting of an entrepreneur.  He has actively shown his talents in various roles such as general contractor, land developer, salesman, and commercial fishing.  He is the father of five adult children (2 girls and 3 boys) and passionately seeks to be outdoors in the wilderness where he enjoys hunting and fishing.  He also finds joy in cooking for friends and family.

Jim can be reached at jim@doorofhopeministries.org


Gail Oakes