Rev. Dr. Kendra Diehl, MDiv, DMin
Rev. Dr. Kendra Diehl
I am deeply honored to be a part of this Godly team of servant-hearted leaders who work tirelessly to bring the love of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit into the lives of individuals who suffer from the effects of trauma and abuse.
Christ gave his life so we all may live. It is by the power of God’s Spirit on the earth today that freedom can be experienced by all.
Door of Hope is a safe place to be loved, experience healing, growth, community and a new life in Christ Jesus.
As a board member, I am honored to share my experience and expertise in the areas of theology, spiritual formation, and leadership development.
Kendra Diehl is Vice President Emeritus of The Master’s Institute Seminary. She and her husband, Rob, have been married for 39 years, and are blessed to have three adult children with wonderful life-partners, and three joyful, kind, crazy and creative grandsons.